
Vata Pacifying Program

Before beginning to explain about how to reduce or pacify the Vata dosha, you may want to read about Tridoshas, and Tridoshic Recipes if you have not already.

Factors that affect Vata dosha

Balance - Vata Imbalance - Vata
Follow a daily routine as regards to time of meals, number of meals, time to and from bed, exercise, relaxing Never follow any routine, eat meals at different times, going to bed late (after 11:00 pm), sleep during the daytime
Eat warm cooked meals that are a little oil, not dry Eat raw vegetables, rice cakes, lots of beans, popcorn, soft drinks, chips, munching all the time, skip meals.
Warm oil massage Travel -especially by airplane
Live in a warm and moist climate were you can get fresh air and sunshine Live in a desert or high mountains where cold and wind increases the effect
Wear clothing that is warm color such as red, orange, yellow or a calming color like green Wear clothing that creates lightness in the body such as purple, blue and white
For leisure time choose calming activities such as quiet walks in nature or parks For leasure time do stimulating activities, amusement parks, discos, rock concert

Vata Pacifying (reducing) Food List

[Vata Graphic]

Grains:		White basmati rice, wheat, barley, rye, amaranth, oats, 

Vegetables:	Juicy, sweet veggies are the best like zucchini,
		asparagus, beets, carrots, cauliflower, cilantro, cucumber,
		fennel, garlic, green beans, green chilies, leeks, mustard 
		greens, olives (black), onions, parsnip, peas, sweet 
		potatoes, sweet corn, pumpkins, radishes(cooked), squashes, 

Legumes:		Mung beans, aduki beans, red & yellow dal, tur & urad dal, 
		must be cooked properly. 

Spices:		Most spices are good for Vata; however, one should avoid 
		using hot, pungent, drying spices in excess, cumin, coriander, 
		fennel, tumeric, hing 

Fruits:		Sweet and sour tastes like grapes, grapefruit, lemons, limes, 
		oranges, pears, bananas, cherries, dates, figs, apples 
		(cooked), apricots, avocados, berries, oranges 

Dairy:		Fresh whole milk, ghee, butter and soft cheeses.

Meats:		Some meats are good for Vata like white meat chicken and fish 
		should be baked or broiled, or chicken soup.

Nuts:		All nuts, particularly almonds limited to two a day

Oils:		Ghee, sesame, olive, peanut.

Comment: A strictly Vata pacifying diet is rarely used. It is only for debilitated patients or conditions where gaining weight is critically needed. A milder Vata diet can be used by many where there is colder, drier climate and when the season is fall or winter.
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